Brian Wizard

  • 2020 ABC Radio Interview (Australia)

    Back in the early 1980s I emigrated to Australia and began my independent publishing career, which has lasted over 39 years so far, and still going. I launched my first handmade edtion of 960 copies of Permission to Kill, my first novel. I took the first backpack full to Cairns and sold them at Rusty's Marker, an outdoor weekend market.

    In 2020 I returned to Cairns, and Rusty's to offer the latest eBook versions of all of my 15 novels using my Three for Free promotion, standing in the exact spot I did 39 years prior.

    I also set up a follow-up radio interview with ABC radio to proclaim this historic event. I video recorded the interview. The room was very dark, as recording studios tend to be so the techs can easily read the instrument levels, but it's really not the visuals that are important, it the conversation. So have a look, a listen. Yes, it is a repeat of my life's work of documenting what the Viet Nam War did for me. The lessons are still important, so pay attention.


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  • Flight of the Flying Foxes

    Flying Foxes are large, fruit eating, bats, found in plenty in Australia. I was in Cairns and had this eveing show to watch, the foxes flying up, up and away for a night of feeding.


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  • Fourth of July Flyby

    I climbed an old Forest Fire Lookout and videoed the flyby of WWII ex-military aircraft that were doing a celebratory run around to honor veterans such as myself.

    Now, I'll be the first to admit that I was speeding around a video learning curve and made mistakes with every aspect of the production: lighting, focus, zooming, tracking, and audio. Ignore all the failures and just enjoy the moment.

    Cheers, and always have a Happy Fourth of July celebration of the USA's birth and dismiss any anti-USA hate.

    I smallsig

  • Hound Dawg

    Dedicate to my Sixth Grade Classmates, Brian Wizard performs the song Hound Dawg, whilst playing an electric ukulele to bring the Sixth Grade pantomime he did in front of the class up to date and real. Remember, Brian has had no professional training on any instrument or singing, so he just does it all by the seat of his pants and for the fun of it because he can, being the Master Expressive Artist that he is.



  • Medulla Oblangata

    I had a rotten log as part of my property line fence and it needed to be removed. It was too long and heavy for me, just one guy, to move. My choices were to either work hard and cut the log down to smaller bits with a chainsaw, or . . . as you will see, have some fun with the project.

    Yes, this is a 'too long' of a video so feel free to fast forward or just stop after the excitement is over. I simply cannot stop until a job is finished.


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  • Minding My Own Business, as per usual


    A fun filled walk down a busker’s path toward finding a home and success.

    Running time is 47 minutes. Suggestions: Do not play through any tinny, tiny, device speakers. Download it Here to a USB stick and play in your vehicle or high quality home device. Set all EQ levels one third up from the bottom. Sit back, or drive your way through this story. Ten original Brian Wizard songs, written and performed by Brian Wizard, with musical assistance from: Bob Gilmore, keyboard, Hugh McDonald, of Redgum, consultant, guitar, James Lick, lead guitar, Linda Vista, bass, The band, Trap the Clown, and Brian Wizard playing: M60 machine gun, flute, rhythym guitar, harmonica, keyboard, tamborine, vocals, as well as author, narrator, songwriter, and executive producer.

    IF any band or producer likes the idea of the FRO and thinks it would become a big hit with a redo, new singer, etc. I am up for that. Or if anyone thinks they have some good songs that could use some narration woven between them to tell a story, I'm up for that, too.

    Use the Contact link to send reviews or ideas.


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  • Pollywoggalin All Day


    There I was, minding my own business, as per usual, standing on a bank of the Lazy Frog Pond when I was approached by a school of pollywogs. I decided that the next day I would video said school and put sound to it.

    The next day, I showed up to the pond with video camera in hand. To my disappointment, school was in, and all the pollywogs were huddled together into a small area of the shallow end of the pond in the sun-heated water. I had to return five times through the course of the day to finally find school out.

    The pond had a thin layers of tree pollen covering it, so it wasn't a clear shot.

    I shot what I wanted, and then took my electric ukulele and made a soundscape that set the mood by mimicking what the music made above the pond sounded like to the pollywogs beneath

    Connect your external speakers, turn them up a bit, and enjoy the show.

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  • Snowplowing

    Living in the high country winter brings with it two lethal elements: freezing cold and deep snow.

    This video depict the task of plowing the snow off the roads. It's a mindless task so turn up the music and hear me play the baritone ukulele tune I created just for this video.

    Come visit, bring shovel and beer.

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  • The Brian Cone


    The Brian Cone is the first of three in the 2019 sculpture series of products. It is made from cedar and pine. You can read how this piece was produced in the short photo story linked below.




  • Training


    Screenshot 2019 12 20 Settings Training


    My latest music video to get me through a bout of boredom. It happens.

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  • Viet Nam, "Then, Again, and Beyond" FREE

    Brian Wizard's award-winning documentary will be FREE until Memorial Day 2022 to honor the ultimate sacrifice of our military men and woman who fought and died in harm's way.

    For full details visit:

    With my 8 mbs connection the download takes far beyond the time for my attention span, but if I let it go whilst I do something else, then the download will complete.

     Run Time: 66 minutes. 

    IF you like this FREE video documentary and would like to support this veteran's lifelong work in keeping the history alive, feel free to toss a donation into the busker's hat via:

    bwphoto BW

    Live, Learn, and Enjoy,

    I smallsig



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